Afforable Legacy Chart Data Retention
The decision to switch EHR vendors for whatever reason is challenging at best. At the top of the list is the task of determining what to do about legacy data. Conversions are great but rarely comprehensive. Paying for continued legacy access is also an option albeit costly given the retention requirements. Fivebase continues to fill the gap between these options by offering a chart archive viewer for agencies looking to retain and access data from their legacy Netsmart CHMC MIS / Ecet EHR system.
Fivebase's MIS / Ecet chart acrhive viewer is a browser-based auditable front end that sits on top / connects to a database of document snapshots and attachments extracted by Fivebase through a uscript process. Through this front end, staff will be able to:
- Search for patient charts using any number of parameters
- Filter and retrieve document snapshots as well as scanned / attached documents.
- Individually and batch print chart information.
Given the simplicity of this solution, hosting of the archive viewer can be done on inexpensive / existing hardware.
Contact us today if you have questions regarding this service or would like more information:
Email: Mike Petrie
Phone: 973-615-4007
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